
Αὐξανέτω ἡ ἀρχή

May the territory expand Rider, Attic red-figured cup — Middle of 5th century BC


On the following page you will find updates regarding the website and its content. The update appear in chronological order, with the latest update at the very top and earlier ones below it.

I highly encourage you to check back here every so often so as to not miss out on new website features or content.


October 25, 2024 – Small updates

This website has been moved to a new host and is also now hosted at my own home as a backup. Additionally, the privacy policy has been adjusted to reflect the fact that we no longer use Plausible for analytics and the website should no longer make requests to analytics.ancient-greek.net. Additionally, some information regarding one Cloudflare cookie has been added, as well as some information regarding this website’s usage of the Cloudflare proxy and how that affects IP privacy.

Additionally, I will soon be deleting my Twitter account and will see if it is somehow possible to add the archive of my Twitter account to this website. I have not really posted a lot on social media anyway (I have not really had the time for Greek lately, unfortunately). I will, at least in the foreseeable future, not be creating an account on either Mastodon or Bluesky. However, as Twitter has become an absolutely terrible website, I no longer want to have an account there.

May 18, 2022 — YouTube, audio and much more!

Hello again everyone. A lot has happened since my last update in March of this year and I hope that you will enjoy the changes! First and foremost, I have now created a YouTube account where you will be able to find lots of hopefully engaging videos in or about Ancient Greek. I will be creating educational videos, audio books and reviews in the near future. I highly recommend that you subscribe, as a lot of content will follow soon!

In addition to my making audio books available over on YouTube, you can, of course, also download them from my website directly. Simply open the new Audio page and click one of the links to download a particular audio book! My audio books are carefully produced and contain music in the background — they should, therefore, be engaging enough. I try to read in a slow to normal pace, so that even people who are not advanced in the language can follow along.

And last — but definitely not least — you can now support me over on Ko-fi! Simply click the red button floating around at the bottom left of the page to send me a donation or become a subscriber. Don’t worry, though: the page will remain (ad-)free for now!

March 10, 2022 — Twitter and new Bible

Hello once again, I have returned with some hopefully good news! Firstly, I would like to mention that I have created a Twitter account for my website, on which I post lots of things about and also in Ancient Greek. It is an attempt at practicing writing in Ancient Greek and I highly recommend you check it out, especially if you are interested in reading daily journal-like posts written in Ancient Greek.

Additionally, I have found another, very interesting edition of the Bible which should arrive today. Once it has arrived, I shall begin writing a new article about it which will subsequently reside in my Physical Shelf; so you can look forward to a new article about a most intriguing book soon!

February 14, 2022 — Wordle but in Ancient Greek

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another update. Recently, I stumbled across a version of Wordle which uses words from the Greek New Testament and I was immediately in love with it. I haven’t actually played Wordle before, but this version obviously has the rather nice side-effect of your learning some Greek — and having to think in Greek. It was created by James K. Tauber who released the source code on GitHub. I highly recommend you check out the Ancient Greek version of Wordle and try your best at guessing today’s word!

February 12, 2022 — A New Book!

Working on my new book

Hello there everyone. I have returned with some, hopefully, rather good news. Some time ago, I published my book which has, as of today, actually sold eighteen copies already; however, as I was certain that this number would increase if its price wasn’t as steep, I decided to write and publish and English-only edition of my book with a modern and sleek design and no illustrations.

All of these steps allowed me to decrease the book’s price to €9.99 all the while still getting the same amount of money from each purchase. Additionally, I am hoping that my publisher will approve this version for international distribution, which would mean that even those living in, for example, the US would be able to buy the book from Amazon without horrendous shipping costs.

The book has yet to get approved, but I do not see why it shouldn’t be. If you’re interested in seeing what it will look like, you can head over to the book’s informational page on this site and download the PDF ebook.

February 9, 2022 — Welcome to a New Year

I wish you all a very happy new year, albeit a rather belated one. I have, unfortunately, been unable to continue working on my website, as I have been rather busy with a bunch of other things. I will continue working on my book soon and will be updating my website further in the upcoming weeks — but I cannot, as of yet, give you an exact date.